What am i doing ?

Pre Christmas

A "Pre~Christmas" party, held in MMU cyberjaya, which pretty much i would say an awesome event, It was organized by CF-ers ( Christian Fellowship), the event was entitle " the true color of Christmas " A short summarize of what happen: Came with a gift of more than five ringgit, for the gift exchange, then sing sing song with Christmas carols, then had a short skecth on the true color of Christmas. Then a light refreshments of tarts, karipap, junk food then drink, then group photo ! "canai" people oso.. and then GO SUPPER ..

And now it's Christmas Eve. Here is my wish to some people who i care and i mostly appreciate them for being there in my life. And to some who was there before, but time changes and we changed.

John Lim
Thanks for being there, For the friendship and for the Christmas card with those message written in it. And also have a blessed Christmas with merry and jolly. May your dreams and hopes come true. Keep in touch too.

Gary Lim
One year has passed, Many things had changed though, * wonder if you remember the silver embossed Christmas sock photo frame. Still the same picture now, but time changes and would say that I'm sorry if there is a matter we could not solve, however we've moved on and would say thank you so much for teaching me on what i should improve in my life. Besides that also wanna wish you a blessed Christmas with abundance!

Darren Sin
Blessed Christmas as you've thought me a lot in "certain" things .. Thx for being there all this while. Guiding and cheering me up at times of emoness .. MAKE me think rational with positive thinking, and being simple ! May you grow more and more with HIS guidance. Which all the best all in your final year ! and also your new upcoming RESOLUTION .. hahaha

Thanks for being there most of the time, driving me here and there, leading me to a better walk in life, and also supporting my back when i am down and in desperate times.. I hope that atapatwork will grow in abundance and you will have a abundance year ahead :) And you may be the light where ever you go ! blessed Christmas !

It keep me wondering on how you live your life, making negative image to look positive and you seems to go along with it well and handling them well, your farney lame jokes and farney stuff, like " the dangdut song" hahaha makes things so joyous ! and lively. also thanks for your encouragements at times, been a blessing to have you as a friend :) and would also wish you a blessed Christmas with a blessed joyous and abundance in the coming year, also hope you find a perfect job in malaysia !! Don't go back Indon la !! * you wan my picture? haha ...

And as for the rest of my beloved friends, wishing you a blessed year ahead with abundance, sorry could not list down all of your names here, coz it prolly going to have around 3000 of people names here . but don't be discourage, somehow som where you have bless me with the friendship we built.

Thx for the every moment you have been with me, taking good care of me when i am so so down so so sad. thx for all the sacrifices which have been made ! also i want to wish you a blessed Christmas though i wont be there with you during Christmas. I wish that you will have a good health and wont have to work so hard edy .. here are some flash back which i want you to know that, no matter what happens i am still your beloved son,
when i was about to die on 3 oct 1988, with the heart beat of 60, you said to me to hang in there and everything gonna be fine, with that also you've taken the risk of your life so that i can also live. if both of us wouldn't have hang in there we both would die on that memorable day.
In the mid year of 1997, at the age of 9 I've eaten a nasi lemak with a rotten egg in there, I had food poisoning, I was half dead, couldn't even carry up my fingers, but you carry me all the way to the hospital, getting help in transporting me there also, taking care of me in the hospital for three days.
At the age also, you thought me to dance and also cook rice and egg, which i also almost burn the hse because of the egg was on fire. and you was there to the rescue to put out the fire.
At the year of 2000, a few of our love ones passed their time on earth, it was also the year that you were there with me during my studies time, you even read all my books and teach me, last you waited for my every exam to end while i was doing them, when my UPSR result came out you were there to celebrate with me those moments and you said " this is not the end and i know you can do better in the coming exams" also that year you sacrifice savings for me to fly to sabah with other friends.
In the year of 2003, PMR was up again, this time again you teach me everything, from morning to late night, you pray for me every morning, send me to school with the cheerfull smile, and PMR was on my hands, you were there outside the school praying that i would rember everything i studied and i would pass.
In the year of 2004, the begining where everything changes in the house, we painted the hse together, with corn yellow, also with wall paper and cooking western food all the time, but that is the year where you got out from the hse to reach out to foreigners helping them with their work permits and stuff, and it all begin me having an additional family member, Vo Van Nhi adopted older brother. Which also you brought me someone who i can chat with most of the time.
In the year of 2005, I would say the toughest year for me to live and move forward, you was not so much there for my spm, you were there sending me to school but more to Vo Van Nhi " you said: he is not your flesh and blood but you want to make him feel that way so that he will feel apart of this family". Me was on stress mode, as i seems to have less attention from someone who i really really need the most. Our family begin to rub on each other shoulders, me attempting to suicide for two times because of so much pressure in the house, but you were there to console me back ! and you thought me how to appreciate life at that moment.
In the year of 2006 you set my feet of to the society around me. you were closer to vo van nhi, and obviously i felt lefted out of place, was really shaken, some how some where my birthday you still was there taking chances to have a party for me :) and i appreciate them, as year when by, family wasn't a family anymore, you hardly go back home, i hardly see you or even call you, trusting that you'll do fine, you separated with dad and i was broken apart ..
Year 2007 things became worse, from time to time... I decided to not go home and to just be on my own ..

Lastly this year, I finally come back to one piece though hard times have been there, i failed exam again but you were still there backing me up, with that also you finally came to see my performance this year, and it make me glad :)

Thx for everything that you have done, the struggles that couldn't be told. Wish you a very merry Christmas, and also thank you so much for supporting the family ..


The BIG show is coming !! Wooo hooo ...

when ? 21 DEC 10am and 5pm
25 DEC 10am

Why ? to come to see me perform !! hehe, give support la heheh

Who ? brought to you by ACTS church !!

What ? It's the BIG show :)

Where ? at Summit Subang Jaya, 2nd floor.

For real, do come kay ! it's really going to be a kaboom blast !! Gonna be great ! Serious serious ! you wont regret geh .. :)

here some promo :)

FROM cyberjaya got transport provided.

ACTS church

LIVE at The Acts Church, 2nd Floor Summit Hotel USJ.

Admission is free for all 3 shows, but come early as seats are limited.
Have a look at the e-flyer below for map and more info.



* Event page:
* Brad Guy's fan page:
* Brad Guy's FB:
* Joe's FB:


* "We'll smoke you!" :
* "Audition files":
* "Bring your goldfish"
* "It's not just some musical" :
* Final Promo - "More Excitement!" :
* A spoof: 6 Reasons Why You Need to Come For The Big Show :

Band Performances

* Band performances clips coming soon! (by Army Of Three, Altered Frequency, Fourletterstory, Largest Rabbits on Tour and Under Headlights!)

I will see you there! so come come !! hehehe

The Perfect Girl

A question was brought out today for me to answer. And here goes ..

The perfect girl for me that i would always dream of, this are the criteria for me to choose one. I believe that someday i would have her with all this perfect image in her.
  1. Smiling all the time.
  2. Which Practice good hygiene.
  3. Which love to Take good care of her skin.
  4. Which Do not swear excessively.
  5. Who don't wear a lot of jewelry.
  6. Being her self for real.
  7. A hardworking girl.
  8. Who don't show off.
  9. Which is not immature to think.
  10. Who never compare her self with other girl.
  11. Have the mentality of living a healthy lifestyle.
  12. Which go and Work out, or at most is exercise.
  13. Not Anti-social.
  14. Which often get her beauty sleep not the one with "24/7" sleeping.
  15. The girl who Have the right mind set.
  16. Which don't "rule" the relationship.
  17. Having equal yoke as me ~ in religion.
  18. Which have the patient and courage.
Never the less it is never easy to have this kind of girl at this era. I pray to God that my future wife would have all this criteria, as for now, being a single ~ i shall wait and patiently wait while then pray and enjoy being single and also start finding for one .. Woo Hoo ( ~ i like to move it move it ~ ) .. - but as long i don't have to get married after i am at the age of 26, my target the max i can go is 29. Not rushing but i don't want a young kid when i am 50: need a to enjoy my old age before i die .. hehe ..



The monkey had Dragon fruit before it got captured on the camera.

Where Am I today ? ~ says a lost boy.

When I am down and, my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened,
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
There is no life - no life without its hunger,
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly,

I still seek for one thing in this life, where could it be ?

In Naked times, Winter cold will just freezes me
Moving on was never easy.
Past had taken it all..
Past on which i had put so much feelings on.

When will this dry tears end ?

Reflecting those was never been easy,
Saying words i could say those days are so much different now.
craving my life back again from time
shaping the way society leads me to be.

On which when would i be myself ?

Life has created me with the hard way
it was never been someone which i would look onto
A role model for me to follow.
Friends are just friends but they wont be long.
Family ? apart from being broken ..

Everyone has their own life, but where could i find mine ?

A person with talents,
A person who never calculates
A person who can be feel with ideas
A person who follows instructions
but is there somebody who appreciate them.

Not asking much but the fact of accepting one, is there any ?

I am aware other may have many problems
BIGGER than mine,
HARSH as mine,
WORSE than mine,
HURTS more than mine.

Would there be at least just someone to listen and never comment a word ?

Reflecting the life journey i went
looking the way i stare at my reflection
Who i am ?
Question after question stuck in my brains, thinking ..
AS tears run down to the edge of my chin.

I could never stop answering, it's so tiring
Am really breaking Down again in where i use to be
Alone where only GOD knows where i am lost
And tired ~ living through this spec of life.
The Edge of giving Up the years of living coz it's a tiring journey when you don't know where to go.

The Big Show ~ on Star news paper

It's on the Newspaper, so what you waiting for ... It's gonna be real Big so make your way there for the event kay :) another reason for you to go is that I'm gonna be there performing too, dance, act and sing :) hope to see you there :)

The Moon 2

The moon on 1st of DECEMBER 2008 Look so awesome ! with the stars coordinated in such manner which looks like a smiley..
See, the star and moon is smiling at you. buts some also say it is planet Venus and Jupiter. Make a wish ? ~ I wonder how God create them so perfectly..

The BIG Show



Time and Place
Sunday, December 21, 2008
10:30am - 1:00pm
Selangor, Malaysia
Contact Info


LIVE! on these dates:

SUN 21st Dec - 10 AM!
SUN 21st Dec - 5PM!
THUR 25th Dec - 10AM!

Admission is Free but Limited Seats!

additional info: I'll be going, you'll see me on stage too performing in singing and also dancing ! SEE you there and do come support me kay !

Who Wins ?


Is never easy when you feel the strength and pain deep within in the same time. Wonder who would ever win out of this?

Bukit Cahaya

A very cute chipmunk :)

Looks like chipsmore ?

Finally It's done !

I HavE construct THIS blog, with it's NEW LOOK .. heheheheeheheheheh
~ do give comment kay :)